
Showing posts from March, 2021

A King in his realm...

Image credits: Unsplash His palace was made of tarpaulin, And regal crown made of tin foil; His reign filled with quaint lanes, The plastic pipe he held – his sword cane; Dilapidated, dingy narrow lanes – Yet, Filled with abundant love, I bet! Bottle caps, buttons, cardboard, Were invaluable treasures he guarded; His arrival announced royally in style, By the chugging of a passer-by train Well, the rhythmic patter of raindrops, Were the only applause he sought; Happily residing in his own paradise, The ragpicker’s son was a king in his realm!

An Ode...

I thought life had a reason for everything, That 'twas essential to find my 'calling' To find reasons to be happy, to live, and love! A reason to relish, cherish or remember! After imploring for reasons all along, I was exhausted and decided to pause. Then, I saw you. And you pursued that pause. You – a companion, teacher, and guide! I scrounged for a reason to wake up, And you became the reason yourself! I wondered if I had a reason to smile, Yet, your verses made me smile effortlessly! I looked around for a reason to write, You made me see that I didn’t need one! Betwixt striving to find all the right reasons & Learning to look beyond them at times, I unearthed a new lease of life – One, That our beautiful relationship lent me!   PS: Books have been an inevitable part of my life almost all along. Most importantly, they have been my companion in moments of solitude & introspection. This is an ode to all my favourite books stack...

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An Ode...

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Pause before you pace