
Showing posts from 2020


Image credits : Unsplash That night, awoken from my deep slumber, I saw those faces behind masquerades, Slowly revealing themselves in the dark; Tis’ sorrowful - for their deed was heinous, Sinful and deplorable! Akin to murder, Murder of the ‘truth’ I was entitled to! They robbed the truth from me – And, Blinded me in their make-believe world! Now, caught betwixt those fine hidden lies, And the ugly naked truth – they stand, Their concealed subterfuges broken free, All their false assurances faded in a flash; Their masks tore into two halves – one, Bearing a wicked grin – sly and crooked,       With their evil minds spewing spite, hatred; Another, filled with regret and remorse, Their empty hearts basking in self-loathing; Yet, beneath this chaos, their desperate souls, Yearn to be liberated from this sordid misery, From evil and the chasm devouring them; Mind running amok, one thought to another, Seeking solace yet yie...

My Epiphanies

Craft your journey whilst drifting like a wave! (Just go with the flow :) Things will automatically fall into place) Take a moment to pause,  And count your blessings;  Listen to your inner soul,  Softly whisper tales to you;  Seek the good throughout,  Wake the resilience in you;  Conquering the failures,  Crumbling the fear within;  Marvel at your little triumphs,  Cherishing the little we live;  Crafting your own journey,  Gently drifting like a wave!  

Autumn - The Season of Amber

Image credits : Unsplash   ‘Autumn’ – the enchanting season of vivid rich amber,  With the aeolian winds lending us symphonies of fall;  Quaint lanes filled with the scent of fallen pine cones,  Acorns ousted from their trees - bracing for winter;  Little girls singing and deftly picking sweet chestnuts,  Whilst reminiscing the lost times of our childhood;  Sitting by my window, gazing at the trees over yonder,  My heart sinks when their leaves fall down with grace;  At sunset, the skies bloom into a mystic paradise,  The trees filter out a komerobi, flaunting their vivid hues,  Cottony clouds etch empyrean murals in the welkin;  Then, night arrives! breathless, filled with languid grief,  Dreary silence – akin to the pallor of the cold moon;  Witnessing longer nights and shorter days ushered,  By the loud hooting of distant owls and the incessant -  Crackling noises of a kindled ...

Positive Thinking - An Art

“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.”                                                    - Winston Churchill  This is the change I hope to see in myself by the end of this year.  We cannot shirk the importance of positivity as it enhances our lifestyle, instills a sense of confidence in ourselves, and brings happiness in our lives. Importance of Positivity:  Though positivity is always cardinal, its necessity in these times of distress when the entire world is being deracinated from their busy lives and pushed into what is now being called ‘the new normal’. We, as a world, are grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic. This has affected the mental health of millions of people. People from around the world are struggling betwixt the increasing levels of stress and anxiety because of t...

Your mind - Short Poem

Image credits : Unsplash Y our mind – A clear reflection,  Of your profound ruminations;  Resonating, constantly conspiring,  Your dreams and aspirations;  Tread the path with caution,  And choose wisely, my friend!  You become what you believe,  You discover what you seek;  Culminate an ocean of zest,  Stride on, unearthing your quest!   

Happiness - Short Poem

Image credits : Unsplash I see the weary people around me,  Swaying to tunes of sorrow and agony;  Fretting, living in clasps of misery,  Seldom being in a state of sanguinity;   Well, let’s create our own symphony,  And dance to that mystic melody;  Shine like the silver moon with glee,  Filling hearts with warmth and ecstacy;  Leading a life - joyous and carefree,  Remembering happiness is the key! 

Growth, Success and Failures

Image credits : Unsplash Growth, Success and Failures.  These are mere  words that have different meanings yet inextricably woven in the path of our life.   I wanted to excel at a certain something and conquer my fears. Yet, seldom I realized that to succeed in it, I have to be patient. I sat in a corner – frayed, not wanting to move ahead because either I wanted it all or none at all. Success was all that meant to me; Growth didn’t bring a smile upon my face. But it took me time to realize that life doesn’t work that way. Things happen at a certain pace. It involves unrelenting dedication, the ability to face your failures head on, learning from your past mistakes and striding ahead stronger to reach there. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes perseverance. Sometimes, even though you think you’ve done it all as per the rulebook you've been following, your plans happen to go hay way. But it would be wrong to beat yourself up for that. It is necessary to under...

A Night To Remember

The moon and the glowing stars,  Embellishments on a night sky;  The tranquil tides at the sea,  Whispering soft symphonies;  Trilling of the field crickets,  And hooting of a distant owl,  Stirring the night’s quietude,  Enchanting me in their tunes;  Rustle of trees with the breeze,  Kindling a sense of comfort-And,  The aeolian sounds of gusty winds,  Resonating like wind chimes;   The silent night’s harmony,  Sparking a moment of serenity;  I yearn for the night to linger on,  And the moment to never cease;  Night- embraced me in its warmth,  Alluring me into a deep reverie! 

An Update

Hey Guys! Do check out my poem featured on 'Between the Verses'  This gave me an amazing head start to this week. Do head to the link below and subscribe to receive a cute newsletter and amazing music suggestions from 'Between the Verses' ! And do follow the curator's page on Instagram at Hope for the best and trust your life journey!

A Little Epiphany

Image credits : Unsplash ❤  Any strong episode in our life is like a  pot of potio n .  When the heat simmers down and the potion is stirred, it takes time for the vapor to drift and kick in.  Likewise, our mind takes time to come to consensus with everything that is going on around us and to let the truth sink in.  ❤  That said, even life in general could be   understood as a pot of potion. We throw in sugar, spice and everything nice into the pot, to make and lead a perfect life. But, like Professor Utonium, we unexpectedly throw in that extra ingredient 'X' into our concoction, making things go berserk. But hey! that is what makes life an interesting roller coaster ride.    ❤  Ergo, let's cheerfully chug down whatever is brewing in there! :D Hope for the best and trust your life journey! 

Math - A misery?

Image credits : Unsplash  Numbers crawl on me and choke me tight,  I twitch, cry and struggle – put up a fight;  I watch the shapes and signs twist and turn,  Moaning at appalling memories they churn;  Integral signs entangling like Grim Reaper,  Vehemently – like the crawling creepers;   Massive cavalries of trig – sine and cosine,  Forcefully march their way into my mind,  I shut the book and fling it out the window  I go to bed, snuggling myself in a pillow;  In my dreams, I traverse afar – into a land,  With no math, with my worst fears canned;  I watch an empire of square roots – topple,  Watching them fall into their own debacle;  I let out an evil laugh, but it lasted a moment,  As what followed next, made my soul lament;  I wake up in a sweat, I had a nasty dream,  A dream, that ripped me off my self-esteem;  I miserably failed in math yet again!...

The Chettinad Palace

Hey Folks, I'm extremely happy to share that my poem has been published by 'In frame' magazine in their website. Thank you, InFrame magazine for this wonderful opportunity.  Do check it out and do share your thoughts on the same :) Love,  Swetha.  

Candle Flame

Concrete Poetry A  spark  of hope,  so thin and  bleak; the pale  luminous streak,  filling her heart  with immense warmth;  a solace amidst the dark  abyss she was consumed  by; instilling a belief  in miracles; lending  a form to divinity  and purity.  And,  the golden hues with a tint of  blue, making her heart flutter  with every little faint flicker.

Rainy Sunday

I peek through the half-drawn curtain,  The view, making my heart skip a beat;  Tint of blue and green, making me yearn,  For time to pause in this divine retreat;  Plants in my garden, swaying in ecstacy,  To rhythms of the patter of raindrops;  A cuckoo bird singing her quaint melody,  The cooing of pigeons perched on the rooftop;  Wet scanty land, devouring the dribble,  Graciously embracing the touch of sanctity;  Stealing my heart, little by little,  Capturing it in my soul, for eternity!

Spark of hope

Image credits : Unsplash Vibrant hues of metallic silver,  the radiant gold dust shimmer, and the blinding light sliver;  A few moments later, I wake up from my slumber, Alas, its all my stupor, Now, the light grows dimmer,  Hopes getting thinner, The sparks begin to simmer. 

Yielding in nature's arms

Image credits : Unsplash I. A forlorn feather Sitting by the rock with a face of forlorn hope, the girl stared into the far misty horizon. A white wilted feather landed on her shoulder as though caressing all her burdens away; The feather then fell on her lap, her eyes lingering on it. Frail, yet regal; dull yet mystic, juxtaposing its own self in so many different ways. A smile crept on her face, so pure and tender, as though a revelation had hit her! Slowly, a sense of tranquility overpowered her sorrows like the sky at sunrise, devouring the darkness.  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


This poem is an ode to all those people who went unheard. Remember that it requires a huge shift to deviate from a parochial mindset. It doesn't happen overnight. One step at a time. Over time, you break free from the shackles. Let us remember that every unheard phrase is a lost perspective. Every lost perspective is a lost opportunity to explore.  Image credits : Unsplash  Constantly stifled and chided for stating his mind,  His voice was subdued by their conceitful notions;  Distraught and broken, he now yearns to be heard,  And his silent screams beseeching to be heeded;  Shackled and tormented in the prison of his mind,  The unspoken words plead for their liberation;  With the ghastly abyss taunting and engulfing him,  His mind calls truce, unable to accommodate chaos;  Shutting his eyes, he hopes for a better future,  Devoid of choked voices and muffled opinions. 

Fleeting Clouds

Image credits : Unsplash A few people enter your life and add a certain iridescence to it. They don’t necessarily end up becoming your romantic interest or your best friend. They might remain your acquaintances or most often than not, they happen to be fleeting clouds. You lose contact with them; you forget them and you move on with your life. But the impact they create in your life is elusive yet important. The perspective they offer, the casual conversations you have with them and the little beams they brought to your face remain unforgettable. A few years later, the sudden mention of something reminds you of that certain someone and an instinctive smile creeps on your lips. You take out your phone and rigorously tap away their names on all the social media platforms one could name. Scarcely, you’re lucky and you reconnect with them. But generally, all your efforts go in vain. They only remain lucid memories you cherish forever. So, a name did pop up on your head, didn't it? :)

Positive Thinking- Short poems

Wake up to your capabilities,  Overcome your inabilities; Secure your headgears, To overpower your fears; Stride ahead unfettered,  Soar up high like a bird!  --- Tap, spin and swirl,  Letting your sorrows unfurl; Hum, sing and croon, Unperturbed amidst a typhoon, Smile, laugh and grin, Through your thick and thin!

A Picturesque View

The pink ethereal skies during dusk,  Etching a mural in the welkin,  The little yellow dandelions swaying,  To symphonies of the soft breeze;  The v ivid green grass – wet and scanty,  Redolent of the musty smell of petrichor;  The distant dimly lit lighthouse,  Flaunting its color of enchantment;  The placid, bottomless waters,  Creating a moment of tranquiliity;  Nature blending its vibrant hues,  Giving birth to a mystic paradise...  


Our Minds 'A fathomless riddle; An expanse that often seems indescribable; A guardian of secrets that were stashed away and forgotten forever; And the only beholder of our profound introspection. Solar Eclipse The radiant sun adorning a veil of the glorious moon; Outlining a regal crown, leaving Earth shrouded in darkness...


Image credits : Unsplash I'm filled with dread as I stare at a blank piece of paper, with my mind creating havoc. What if one day, I lose my ability to articulate my thoughts? What if I'm unable to pen them down to accommodate more chaos? What if words no longer come to me when I beckon ? What if the pen no longer remains my weapon? I shudder at the thought of being incapable of expressing what I intend to; I'm afraid, one day, I'll be unable to exploit my writing to move a soul or two.

My Safe Haven

Image credits : Unsplash Every time there’s a certain void, I experience spine-chills. Terrified, I close my eyes to calm myself. There it is. My ‘safe haven.’ It isn’t a ‘place’ but usually a seamless memory tape that I hold close to my heart. --- 'I’m four or so. Everything seems to be beyond my comprehension. I hear the patter of the raindrops falling on the surface. The musty smell of petrichor fills my nose. It’s a dull afternoon with no sign of the sun and the skies oozing of melancholy. I see an image…an image of the wooden door to my grandmother’s house. I’m standing under the shade waiting for the door to open. It seems to be an endless wait. I stand there in front of the door with a lot of questions and no answers.' This memory keeps coming back to me time and again. Is it because I miss her? Is it because she left us before I could know what she thought of me? Is it the ‘vulnerable me’ seeking strength from the brave woman who fought all odds by herself? Befo...

Of life and lemons

Image credits : Unsplash Amidst a lot of chaos, we scurry from the start to the finish line  Striving and yearning for success, we’re filled with zest  But when everything crashes, we hear ourselves whine,  ‘But God, why me? I did nothing but my best!’  Constantly seeking success and an end result that is fruitful,  We don blinkers and hastily speed to our destination  Seldom realizing that the journey is by itself the most beautiful  And everything is over by when we come to that revelation.  Someone great once said, ‘If life throws lemons, make lemonade’  Hey! If it doesn’t throw ripe ones, make pickles from it.   Adapt and adjust! Cause nothing in life is tailor-made  So, whatever comes our way, let’s be calm and not throw a fit.

Dear 2020...

Image credits : Unsplash Dear 2020, Our dear Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam had different plans for us. He predicted that we'd be a superpower in the global economy; he spoke of progress. But all I can see in the papers is the 'India' that is teeming with virus, poverty, mishap and nothing good. Having started off with the dark cloud of Covid-19 that loomed us, you have been nothing but devastating. Could you get any worse? I don't know if I can even keep count of all the bad things that you have given us. It seems so unfair. Everything seems so unfair. That wretched Covid-19! I badly wish Pied Piper of Hamelin was alive to lure this Covid-19 to jump off a cliff and fall into the abyss. I badly want the lockdown to end so that we can go back to being busy and stop reading the papers. With ample time in our hands, we have started paying close attention to everything that is happening around this world. The rosy picture that I had in my mind has vanished and all I can think of,...

Little Things

Image credits : Unsplash Have you ever wondered about this? Sometimes, people drift apart due to distance or disagreements. But, a certain memory of that person stays with you - be it a close friend, a colleague or even your childhood crush. A vivid image or a memory of that person is what you cherish, hold close to your heart and occasionally even recount. It remains and ‘that person’ is the person you’ve known. And a few years later, you bump into them. You have a few forced conversations and reconnect with them with the pre-conceived notion that they’re still the same and then, it hits you hard. You realize that they’ve changed. But, hold on! Isn’t ‘changed’ a pretty subjective word? Changed could mean that they have evolved into an incredible person or it could mean otherwise. True, what I mean by ‘changed’ is not the core of that person. Undoubtedly, even with the passage of time, they tend to retain certain traits, habits and principles. But what disturbs you indeed is the chan...

Do check out my popular posts

An Update

Growth, Success and Failures


Positive Thinking - An Art

An Ode...

Satyavan Savithri - Poetic Take

Pause before you pace

Happiness - Short Poem

A Night To Remember

My Epiphanies