
Pause before you pace

  Dear friend, recede and pause, Take a respite & rejuvenate! Oh, pause before you pace, And pause before pounce, No, don’t call it hibernation, Honing to cause a hurricane, Isn’t anything close to a slumber! There is calm before the storm, So, hold back and stand still, Before you unleash thy forces!

March on...

Image credits: Unsplash  The hills - steep and savage, A massive step – accidental! Oh dear, they let you slip, They watched you stumble; Yet you landed mighty, Making ‘em all tremble; The descent made you fierce, The plunge made you humble; Oh dear, stride on - reassured, Henceforth, you’re invincible! 26 April 2021 - It has been a year since I started putting up posts on my blog. I'm thankful to all those souls who took the time to appreciate my writing. Much gratitude to those who constantly motivated me to keep marching ahead! Many thanks and lots of love! <3

A King in his realm...

Image credits: Unsplash His palace was made of tarpaulin, And regal crown made of tin foil; His reign filled with quaint lanes, The plastic pipe he held – his sword cane; Dilapidated, dingy narrow lanes – Yet, Filled with abundant love, I bet! Bottle caps, buttons, cardboard, Were invaluable treasures he guarded; His arrival announced royally in style, By the chugging of a passer-by train Well, the rhythmic patter of raindrops, Were the only applause he sought; Happily residing in his own paradise, The ragpicker’s son was a king in his realm!

An Ode...

I thought life had a reason for everything, That 'twas essential to find my 'calling' To find reasons to be happy, to live, and love! A reason to relish, cherish or remember! After imploring for reasons all along, I was exhausted and decided to pause. Then, I saw you. And you pursued that pause. You – a companion, teacher, and guide! I scrounged for a reason to wake up, And you became the reason yourself! I wondered if I had a reason to smile, Yet, your verses made me smile effortlessly! I looked around for a reason to write, You made me see that I didn’t need one! Betwixt striving to find all the right reasons & Learning to look beyond them at times, I unearthed a new lease of life – One, That our beautiful relationship lent me!   PS: Books have been an inevitable part of my life almost all along. Most importantly, they have been my companion in moments of solitude & introspection. This is an ode to all my favourite books stack

The Chevalière's Revenge

Ruvee sat by the window as the bus rumbled its way through the streets of the quaint city. Filled with plantations and shrubbery, the hills of Coonoor looked picturesque. Life had been gentle on her over the past year. Her uncle had urged her to move in with him after looking at her pitiful state. He had been considerate enough to give her a job at the horse stables in his farm. ‘This would help you to move on’ he had told. The bus came to a halt at a stop. She turned towards the window to behold the sight of pink skies at dusk. She felt the seat cover sink as a burly man settled down beside her with a heaving sigh. He reeked of stale smoke and eucalyptus. For some reason, his scent felt awfully familiar to her. She turned to eye him from the corner of her eyes, and the sight startled her.  It was the same scar!   She glanced and immediately turned her face away. Her heart sank and she felt bile rise in her throat. She felt a sudden desire to flee from there. Her brows were k

Tuesday's Thoughts

Image credits: Unsplash What if the life we live is just another jigsaw puzzle?  Would it not be still beautiful even if a few pieces of the puzzle went missing? Is it pertinent for us to find all the pieces of the puzzle and fit them into their respective places? To me, life, in general, is akin to a giant jigsaw puzzle. Say, a 1,000 pieced puzzle, and all its pieces are amiss, scattered and some, are even missing! But that is life. It is about the little imperfections that occur with the flow of life. Those imperfections make life beautiful. Do we need to painstakingly set the puzzle to perfection even if costs us dearly? I hope not! I doubt that it would rather be wise to accept those little imperfections. Those efforts to perfect those stains (frivolous in the long run) end up costing us our happiness.  Image credits: Unsplash The mention of the jigsaw puzzle reminds me of the Japanese concept of Wabi-Sabi. It teaches us about impermanence, the imperfections in life's journey,


Image credits: Unsplash Cancelled plans and canned getaways, Hindrance showed up abruptly as always; They said, ‘the air you breathe is free!’ Oh, not true! how do I explain my agony? My breath, not my very own – For, It is supported by a two-inch container; ‘Deliver me from this trauma’, I implore, For ‘Asthma’ is the only word I abhor! Gasping for breath, I twist and turn, Well, ease of breathing is my only concern! Looking at this sordid misery – I weep, For weary nights pass by devoid of sleep, Oh, all in vain! my pleas go unheard, And my breath becomes staggered; ‘Asthma’ – certainly a devil in disguise, A beast that smothers even my softest cries! 

Dawn - A New Beginning

Image credits: Unsplash The little girl rises from her gentle bed,  With thoughts of fine novels in her head;  She embraces the new beginning – the dawn;  Whilst she groggily wakes up with a loud yawn,  She thinks of pink flamingos, their giant wings,  Of the sun, breeze and all beautiful things;  Of periwinkles blossoms and lilac blooms,  Of sea waves spun into feathers of spume;  She becomes joyous akin to a vivid rainbow,  Her face – bright, shimmering with a glow;  She wonders about the path she ought to tread,  And braces herself for the long day ahead! 

Satyavan Savithri - Poetic Take

Savitri – A Symbol of wisdom and love   Eighteen years of austerity and endless penance, Led to the birth of a divine celestial child, ‘Savitri’ The girl grew up to be the embodiment of beauty, Whilst being the epitome of humility and intellect; Time passed by – she reached a marriageable age, Yet, seldom suitors came by! Alas, they trembled, For Savitri was astute and of impeccable beauty; Disheartened, her father – the King, sent her forth, To seek her own husband, to discover her partner; In her quest for her husband, she met ‘Satyavan’ Striking son of blind, exiled king – Dyumatsena; Yet, upon returning to her father, she was informed, ‘Despite his valuable virtues and his high qualities, Forget him and find another suitor, my child – for, He’s destined to depart the earthly world in a year!’ But Savitri was determined to marry only Satyavan,   She dismissed their woes and assured her parents; All persuasion went futile and Savitri married him!


Image credits : Unsplash That night, awoken from my deep slumber, I saw those faces behind masquerades, Slowly revealing themselves in the dark; Tis’ sorrowful - for their deed was heinous, Sinful and deplorable! Akin to murder, Murder of the ‘truth’ I was entitled to! They robbed the truth from me – And, Blinded me in their make-believe world! Now, caught betwixt those fine hidden lies, And the ugly naked truth – they stand, Their concealed subterfuges broken free, All their false assurances faded in a flash; Their masks tore into two halves – one, Bearing a wicked grin – sly and crooked,       With their evil minds spewing spite, hatred; Another, filled with regret and remorse, Their empty hearts basking in self-loathing; Yet, beneath this chaos, their desperate souls, Yearn to be liberated from this sordid misery, From evil and the chasm devouring them; Mind running amok, one thought to another, Seeking solace yet yielding to the chaos; Bu

My Epiphanies

Craft your journey whilst drifting like a wave! (Just go with the flow :) Things will automatically fall into place) Take a moment to pause,  And count your blessings;  Listen to your inner soul,  Softly whisper tales to you;  Seek the good throughout,  Wake the resilience in you;  Conquering the failures,  Crumbling the fear within;  Marvel at your little triumphs,  Cherishing the little we live;  Crafting your own journey,  Gently drifting like a wave!  

Autumn - The Season of Amber

Image credits : Unsplash   ‘Autumn’ – the enchanting season of vivid rich amber,  With the aeolian winds lending us symphonies of fall;  Quaint lanes filled with the scent of fallen pine cones,  Acorns ousted from their trees - bracing for winter;  Little girls singing and deftly picking sweet chestnuts,  Whilst reminiscing the lost times of our childhood;  Sitting by my window, gazing at the trees over yonder,  My heart sinks when their leaves fall down with grace;  At sunset, the skies bloom into a mystic paradise,  The trees filter out a komerobi, flaunting their vivid hues,  Cottony clouds etch empyrean murals in the welkin;  Then, night arrives! breathless, filled with languid grief,  Dreary silence – akin to the pallor of the cold moon;  Witnessing longer nights and shorter days ushered,  By the loud hooting of distant owls and the incessant -  Crackling noises of a kindled autumn bonfire;  These dull days pass by – yearning and beckoning,  For som

Positive Thinking - An Art

“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.”                                                    - Winston Churchill  This is the change I hope to see in myself by the end of this year.  We cannot shirk the importance of positivity as it enhances our lifestyle, instills a sense of confidence in ourselves, and brings happiness in our lives. Importance of Positivity:  Though positivity is always cardinal, its necessity in these times of distress when the entire world is being deracinated from their busy lives and pushed into what is now being called ‘the new normal’. We, as a world, are grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic. This has affected the mental health of millions of people. People from around the world are struggling betwixt the increasing levels of stress and anxiety because of the pervading virus and the stigma attached to depression.  It is invariably detrimental to our health and could lead to depression amidst other

Your mind - Short Poem

Image credits : Unsplash Y our mind – A clear reflection,  Of your profound ruminations;  Resonating, constantly conspiring,  Your dreams and aspirations;  Tread the path with caution,  And choose wisely, my friend!  You become what you believe,  You discover what you seek;  Culminate an ocean of zest,  Stride on, unearthing your quest!   

Happiness - Short Poem

Image credits : Unsplash I see the weary people around me,  Swaying to tunes of sorrow and agony;  Fretting, living in clasps of misery,  Seldom being in a state of sanguinity;   Well, let’s create our own symphony,  And dance to that mystic melody;  Shine like the silver moon with glee,  Filling hearts with warmth and ecstacy;  Leading a life - joyous and carefree,  Remembering happiness is the key! 

Growth, Success and Failures

Image credits : Unsplash Growth, Success and Failures.  These are mere  words that have different meanings yet inextricably woven in the path of our life.   I wanted to excel at a certain something and conquer my fears. Yet, seldom I realized that to succeed in it, I have to be patient. I sat in a corner – frayed, not wanting to move ahead because either I wanted it all or none at all. Success was all that meant to me; Growth didn’t bring a smile upon my face. But it took me time to realize that life doesn’t work that way. Things happen at a certain pace. It involves unrelenting dedication, the ability to face your failures head on, learning from your past mistakes and striding ahead stronger to reach there. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes perseverance. Sometimes, even though you think you’ve done it all as per the rulebook you've been following, your plans happen to go hay way. But it would be wrong to beat yourself up for that. It is necessary to understand that what

A Night To Remember

The moon and the glowing stars,  Embellishments on a night sky;  The tranquil tides at the sea,  Whispering soft symphonies;  Trilling of the field crickets,  And hooting of a distant owl,  Stirring the night’s quietude,  Enchanting me in their tunes;  Rustle of trees with the breeze,  Kindling a sense of comfort-And,  The aeolian sounds of gusty winds,  Resonating like wind chimes;   The silent night’s harmony,  Sparking a moment of serenity;  I yearn for the night to linger on,  And the moment to never cease;  Night- embraced me in its warmth,  Alluring me into a deep reverie! 

An Update

Hey Guys! Do check out my poem featured on 'Between the Verses'  This gave me an amazing head start to this week. Do head to the link below and subscribe to receive a cute newsletter and amazing music suggestions from 'Between the Verses' ! And do follow the curator's page on Instagram at Hope for the best and trust your life journey!

A Little Epiphany

Image credits : Unsplash ❤  Any strong episode in our life is like a  pot of potio n .  When the heat simmers down and the potion is stirred, it takes time for the vapor to drift and kick in.  Likewise, our mind takes time to come to consensus with everything that is going on around us and to let the truth sink in.  ❤  That said, even life in general could be   understood as a pot of potion. We throw in sugar, spice and everything nice into the pot, to make and lead a perfect life. But, like Professor Utonium, we unexpectedly throw in that extra ingredient 'X' into our concoction, making things go berserk. But hey! that is what makes life an interesting roller coaster ride.    ❤  Ergo, let's cheerfully chug down whatever is brewing in there! :D Hope for the best and trust your life journey! 

Do check out my popular posts

A Night To Remember

Growth, Success and Failures

Positive Thinking - An Art


Dawn - A New Beginning

Satyavan Savithri - Poetic Take

Pause before you pace

Happiness - Short Poem

An Update

The Chevalière's Revenge