The Chevalière's Revenge

Ruvee sat by the window as the bus rumbled its way through the streets of the quaint city. Filled with plantations and shrubbery, the hills of Coonoor looked picturesque. Life had been gentle on her over the past year. Her uncle had urged her to move in with him after looking at her pitiful state. He had been considerate enough to give her a job at the horse stables in his farm. ‘This would help you to move on’ he had told. The bus came to a halt at a stop. She turned towards the window to behold the sight of pink skies at dusk. She felt the seat cover sink as a burly man settled down beside her with a heaving sigh. He reeked of stale smoke and eucalyptus. For some reason, his scent felt awfully familiar to her. She turned to eye him from the corner of her eyes, and the sight startled her. It was the same scar! She glanced and immediately turned her face away. Her heart sank and she felt bile rise in her throat. She felt a sudden desire to flee from there. Her bro...