
Showing posts from June, 2020

Fleeting Clouds

Image credits : Unsplash A few people enter your life and add a certain iridescence to it. They don’t necessarily end up becoming your romantic interest or your best friend. They might remain your acquaintances or most often than not, they happen to be fleeting clouds. You lose contact with them; you forget them and you move on with your life. But the impact they create in your life is elusive yet important. The perspective they offer, the casual conversations you have with them and the little beams they brought to your face remain unforgettable. A few years later, the sudden mention of something reminds you of that certain someone and an instinctive smile creeps on your lips. You take out your phone and rigorously tap away their names on all the social media platforms one could name. Scarcely, you’re lucky and you reconnect with them. But generally, all your efforts go in vain. They only remain lucid memories you cherish forever. So, a name did pop up on your head, didn't it? :)

Positive Thinking- Short poems

Wake up to your capabilities,  Overcome your inabilities; Secure your headgears, To overpower your fears; Stride ahead unfettered,  Soar up high like a bird!  --- Tap, spin and swirl,  Letting your sorrows unfurl; Hum, sing and croon, Unperturbed amidst a typhoon, Smile, laugh and grin, Through your thick and thin!

A Picturesque View

The pink ethereal skies during dusk,  Etching a mural in the welkin,  The little yellow dandelions swaying,  To symphonies of the soft breeze;  The v ivid green grass – wet and scanty,  Redolent of the musty smell of petrichor;  The distant dimly lit lighthouse,  Flaunting its color of enchantment;  The placid, bottomless waters,  Creating a moment of tranquiliity;  Nature blending its vibrant hues,  Giving birth to a mystic paradise...  


Our Minds 'A fathomless riddle; An expanse that often seems indescribable; A guardian of secrets that were stashed away and forgotten forever; And the only beholder of our profound introspection. Solar Eclipse The radiant sun adorning a veil of the glorious moon; Outlining a regal crown, leaving Earth shrouded in darkness...


Image credits : Unsplash I'm filled with dread as I stare at a blank piece of paper, with my mind creating havoc. What if one day, I lose my ability to articulate my thoughts? What if I'm unable to pen them down to accommodate more chaos? What if words no longer come to me when I beckon ? What if the pen no longer remains my weapon? I shudder at the thought of being incapable of expressing what I intend to; I'm afraid, one day, I'll be unable to exploit my writing to move a soul or two.

My Safe Haven

Image credits : Unsplash Every time there’s a certain void, I experience spine-chills. Terrified, I close my eyes to calm myself. There it is. My ‘safe haven.’ It isn’t a ‘place’ but usually a seamless memory tape that I hold close to my heart. --- 'I’m four or so. Everything seems to be beyond my comprehension. I hear the patter of the raindrops falling on the surface. The musty smell of petrichor fills my nose. It’s a dull afternoon with no sign of the sun and the skies oozing of melancholy. I see an image…an image of the wooden door to my grandmother’s house. I’m standing under the shade waiting for the door to open. It seems to be an endless wait. I stand there in front of the door with a lot of questions and no answers.' This memory keeps coming back to me time and again. Is it because I miss her? Is it because she left us before I could know what she thought of me? Is it the ‘vulnerable me’ seeking strength from the brave woman who fought all odds by herself? Befo...

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